Trekking Monte Eremita


Event: Trekking Monte Eremita
Date: July 5, 2020
Meeting point: 8:30 am Piazza della Repubblica Laviano SA (475 masl)
Starting point: Vallepiana locality with own car
Point of interest: Monte Eremita (1579 masl)
Total altitude difference: about 300 m
Distance: about 7 km (round trip)
Difficulty: E (Hiking)
Duration: about 4 hours
Covid-19 measures: Limited number activities, telephone reservations are required no later than 9 pm on Thursday 2 July 2020
Description: from piazza della repubblica, meeting point, you will reach Vallepiana with your own car and from there you will reach Monte Eremita to then go down and have lunch organized by B&B Il Tritone at Vallepiana.
Technical equipment: trekking shoe. We recommend the use of a hat, glasses and protective cream. At least 1.5 l of water.

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